World Artists Experiences

in Partnership with


Educational and Cultural Bureau


An intriguing lecture titled:

The Recent Works in Egypt (Discoveries, New Museums and Restoration Projects)

Sunday December 6, 2020, at 12:00 PM

On ZOOM (see the link below)

Presented by:

Dr. Mostafa Waziry - Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Through last year 2019, many excavations, discoveries and conservation works were implemented in many sites in Egypt (lower and upper Egypt) to cover all the country. Our work involved different kinds of soil such as sand, mud, and dusty soil. In spite of the difficulties that faced our team like increasing sun, temperature, and rains, we enjoyed the work.

Our works did not focus on one field of archaeological work. They differentiated among excavations, discoveries, and conservation. Excavation works and discoveries were implemented in some important places that have a special role in Egyptian history and symbolic importance in Egyptian civilization such as Memphis and Luxor. A lot of treasures have been discovered as a result of those excavations like tombs that containing on mummies, statues, coffins, and some of funeral furniture.

After finding many important discoveries with Egyptian hands, many Egyptian museums had to be prepared for the opening soon. Conservation works varied among conservation, reconstruction, and cleaning. They were witness on developing some archaeological regions like Tanis and several site management plans have been implemented for several archaeological sites.




Zoom instructions

MOHAMED S.A. HAMZA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Dec 6, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Dr. Mostafa Waziry


Dr. Mostafa Waziry is an Egyptian archaeologist, Egyptologist, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. He has also worked at archaeological sites in Giza and Upper Egypt. He received his BA of Arts, Egyptology Department from Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University. Then he obtained his MA degree in Egyptology from South Valley University. In 2013, he has received his PhD. from Faculty of Archaeology Sohag University.


Dr. Waziry has appeared on television specials on channels such as the National Geographic Channel, The History Channel and Discovery Channel. He guided his Excellency Egypt's President Abdel Fattah Elsisi during the opening of many cultural projects, Baron Empain Palace, Sohage museum, and Sharm El-Sheikh museum.


Dr. Waziry started his work in excavation field since the beginning of his career at Giza till today. Since he became the secretary general of the supreme council of antiquities in 2017, his great discoveries are a very awaited by the tourists and the visitors. He supervises many missions all over Egypt, including one in Saqqara where the cache of the sacred birds and animals were found early in 2018. And the great discovery of 2020, a big cachette of more than 160 untouched coffins that belong to the high priests and priestesses of the goddess Bastet As well as Saqqara where he found the untouched tomb of Wah-ty in 2018. In 2019, he headed an Egyptian mission in Luxor where they found the cachette of Assassif that contained about 32 intact coffins. The most worthy mention is that all the results of Dr Waziry’s recent excavations are now displaying on many museums including Sharm El-Sheikh museum, Huragada museum, Mummification museum in Luxor, Tahrir museum, the National museum of the Egyptian civilization, and the two big halls for the two great cachets inside the Grand Egyptian museum.